René Trémine’s DATA

This is a concert record of Hans Knappertsbusch which René Trémine which was a manager of TAHRA investigated.
Mr.George Zepos modified the record based on other documents.
There was not the thing which stipulated all of the concert record of Hans Knappertsbusch so far. We can know all by this record to some extent.
However, the record of René Trémine was not a finished record. It may be thought, it may be the mistake of the concert schedule and the concert of other conductors for the record.
Mr.George Zepos performs work to modify a record of René Trémine in reference to many documents. However, it is still a stage on the way.
René Trémine excavated the performance record of the precious music in TAHRA and offered the valuable performance record to the audience. And René Trémine was a researcher of Wilhelm Furtwängler.
However, René Trémine died regrettably in February, 2014.
We thank for partner Myriam Scherchen of TAHRA which willingly consented to the use of the document of René Trémine.

Shuzo Suzuki
