1911-1918, version 3 with corrections (Tremine file enriched with other sources)

24.01.11 Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia, Muelheim
02.02.11 Beethoven: Fidelio, Muelheim (with the orchestra of the 159th regiment of infantry) (program available)
09.02.11 Leoncavallo: Bajazzo, Muelheim
14.02.11 Nicolai: Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor, Muelheim
16.02.11 Lortzing: Undine, Muelheim
22.02.11 Fidelio, Muelheim
24.02.11 Bizet: Carmen, Muelheim
14.03.11 Lortzing: Der Wildschuetz, Muelheim
16.03.11 Verdi: Il Trovatore
21.03.11 Adam: Le postillon de Longjumeau, Muelheim
04.04.11 Flotow: Martha, Muelheim
07.04.11 Halevy: La Juive, Muelheim

1912 in Bochum ??

15.09.13 Maillart: Das Gloeckchen des Eremiten (Rose Friquet, Kaete Jaenicke) (Kna debut in Stadttheater am Brausenwerth, Elberfeld)
30.09.13 Flotow : Martha (Knappertsbusch’s debut in Stadttheater am Brausenwerth, Elberfeld) [Source : Kna biography in “Wuppertaler Biografien, Bd. 6”, written by Dr. Alfred Mayerhofer, from now on mentioned as “WB”]
14.12.13 {Heinrich] Zoellner: Der Schuetzenkoenig (First performance), Elberfeld

11.01.14 Wagner: Parsifal (acts II & III only, after the demand of the Intendant Arthur von Gerlach because the conductor Ernst Knoch vanished after act I), Elberfeld
31.01.14 Not mentioned by Tremine
11.02.14 Wagner: Lohengrin with Elberfeld orchestra and cast (Hans Erl [Koenig Heinrich der Vogler],Karl Baum [Lohengrin], Greta van’t Sant-Jousson [[Elsa von
Brabant], Augusta Mueller [Ortrud])(program available),(Groote Schouwburg, Rotterdam)[additional info : Erich Hunold (Friedrich von Telramund), Willy Zilken (Der Heerrufer). A guest performance of the Staedtisches Theater Elberfeld. Source : Annalen van de Opera Gezelschappen in Nederland 1886 – 1995,
mentioned from now on as “AOGN”]
11.03.14 Wagner: Meistersinger with Elberfeld cast (Erich Hunold [Hans Sachs], Hans Erl [Veit Pogner], Greta van’t Sant-Jousson [Eva]) (program available), (Groote Schouwburg, Rotterdam)[additional info : Armand Pardy (Kunz Vogelgesang), Jean Glueckmann Ernest (Konrad Nachtigall), Paul Niels(Sixtus Beckmesser), Willy Zilken (Fritz Kothner), Max Landeck (Balthasar Zorn), Karl May (Ulrich Eisslinger), Borro Richter (Augustin Moser), Gottfried Hagedorn (Hermann Ortel), Wilhelm Longartz (Hans Schwarz), Jacques Platz (Hans
Foltz), Karl Baum (Walther von Stolzing), Hans Joachim Faber(David), Augusta Mueller (Magdalene), Jacques Platz (Ein Nachtwaechter). Staging : Erich Hunold. A guest performance of the Staedtisches Theater Elberfeld. Source : “AOGN”]
04.05.14 Parsifal with Elberfeld cast (Jacques Urlus [Parsifal], Erich Hunold [Klingsor], Adelheid Nissen [Kundry] etc.) (program available) [etc. : Willy Zilken (Amfortas), Gottfried Hagedorn(Titurel), Hans Erl (Gurnemanz), Deutsche Saengerkreis Elberfeld (choirs), concert given under the auspices of the
Elberfelder Stadttheater at the Groote Schouwburg, Rotterdam at 8:00 pm. Source : The website of the Concertgebouw Orchestra][additional info : Karl May (1. Gralsritter), Karl Mackenbach (2. Gralsritter), Margarete von Niedeck (1.
Knappe), Isotta Magnano (2. Knappe), Hans Joachim Faber (3. Knappe), Max Landeck (4. Knappe), Elfriede Overhoff, Margarete von Niedeck, Marguerite Frances, Margarete Koellner, Erna Hallensleben, Hella Koerner, Marie Friedrich,
Isotta Magnano, Luise Ivanusa, Anny Reinhardt, Marie Bore, Agnes Hossfeld, Fanny Hano, Paula Huszark, Helene Gewehr, Ellen Benecke, Franziska Engel, Mathilde Bell, Mieze Weinang, Emmy Schieck, Agnes Christen (Klingsors Zaubermaedchen). Staging : Arthur von Gerlach. A production for the Rotterdam May Festival. Source : “AOGN”]
06.05.14 Parsifal with Elberfeld cast (Jacques Urlus, Erich Hunold [Klingsor], Adelheid Nissen [Kundry] etc.) (program available)[The website of the Concertgebouw Orchestra gives thesame info as for 04.05.14 with one exception : Parsifal is sung by Carl Baum instead of Jacques Urlus]. [“AOGN” gives info on the first performance of each production, so there is no additional info on this day][Ido Eyl confirms in “Die Rotterdamer Maifestspiele, 1907 – 1914” that Karl Braun sang Parsifal. He must mean Carl Baum because Karl Braun was a bass. Eyl makes similar mistakes with other singers in his article]
June – July 14 He supposedly conducted Siegfried and Tristan in Amsterdam for Wagnerfeest with Elberfeld cast, but the Gemeentarchief of Hague has no documents on this subject

29.08.14 Concert debut in Stadthalle am Johannisberg, Elberfeld [a charity concert with a mixed program. Source : WB]

03.05.16 Wagner: Die Walkuere (Karl Schroeder [Siegmund], Sofie Wolf[Sieglinde], Karl Armster [Wotan], Else Guenzell-Bengell [Fricka]) (program available)[additional info : Alfons Schuetzendorf-Bellwidt (Hunding), Mimi Werhard-Poentgen (Bruennhilde), Ilse Asten (Gerhilde), Claire Sader (Ortlinde), Else Guenzel-Bengell (Waltraute), Asta Zachariasen (Schwertleite), Inge Thorsen
(Helmwige), Margarete von Niedeck (Siegrune), Helga Frahm (Grimgerde), Elisabeth Stenneke (Rossweisse). Staging : Arthur von Gerlach. Arnhemsche Orkestvereeniging (Arnhem Orchestral Society). A guest performance of the
Staedtisches Theater Elberfeld. Groote Schouwburg, Rotterdam. Source : “AOGN”]

08.03.17 Wagner: Siegfried with Arnhem orchestra (Edyth Walker [Bruennhilde], Richard Schubert [Siegfried], Ludwig Vanoni [Mime], Else Guenzell-Bengell [Erda]), [Groote Schouwburg], Rotterdam (program available) [additional info : Harry de Garmo (Der Wanderer), Willy Zilken (Alberich), Rene van Rheyn (Fafner), Hanna Dewern (Die Stimme des Waldvogels). Staging : Arthur von Gerlach. A production of Arthur von Gerlach. Source : “AOGN”]

15.10.17 Wagner: Tristan und Isolde with Utrecht Municipal Orchestra [Utrechtsch Stedelijk Orkest] (Beatrice Lauer [Beatrice Lauer-Kottlar (Isolde)], Else Guenzel [Else Guenzel-Bengell (Brangaene)], Fritz Vogelstrom[Tristan], Julius Gless [Koenig Marke]), [Groote Schouwburg], Rotterdam (program available). [additional info : Tillmann Liszewski (Kurwenal), Fritz
Duettbernd (Melot), Wilhelm Wolf (Ein junger Seemann), Wilhelm Wolf (Ein Hirt). Staging : Arthur von Gerlach. A “Grand Opera Night” under the leadership of Arthur von Gerlach. Source : “AOGN”]

1918 Return to Elberfeld after military service of unspecified duration in Berlin

06.01.18 [Heinrich] Zoellner: Symphony no.3, Wagner: Parsifal excerpts (Prelude, Blumenmaedchen scene, Karfreitagszauber) with Concertgebouw orchestra, Amsterdam (program available)[The website of the Concertgebouw Orchestra mentions a concert with a different program under a different conductor for this day. “WB” mentions that Knappertsbusch conducted, but doesn’t mention the program]
10.01.18 [Heinrich] Zoellner: Symphony no. 3, Wagner: Parsifal excerpts (Prelude, Blumenmaedchen scene, Karfreitagszauber) with Concertgebouw orchestra, Amsterdam (program available) [The website of the Concertgebouw Orchestraconfirms Tremine’s info and adds that the concert took place
at 8:00 pm. “WB” doesn’t mention this concert]
[February 1918 : Wagner : Der Ring des Nibelungen , Stadttheater Elberfeld.
Exact date of Das Rheingold not mentioned.
21.02.18 Wagner : Die Walkuere (Jacques Urlus (Siegmund), Erna Hallersleben (Sieglinde), Max Krauss (Wotan), Ottilie Metzger (Fricka), Edyth Walker (Bruennhilde))
23.02.18 Wagner : Siegfried (Jacques Urlus (Siegfried), Edyth Walker (Bruennhilde), Ottilie Metzger (Erda))
25.02.18 Wagner : Goetterdaemmerung (Jacques Urlus (Siegfried), Edyth Walker (Bruennhilde), Ottilie Metzger (Waltraute), Julius Gless (Hagen))
Source : “Edyth Walker” by Christopher Norton-Welsh in “The Record Collector, Volume 44, No. 4”]
[exact date not specified. Knappertsbusch conducted Meistersinger the day before his marriage. Source : WB] [This is obviously the performance Tremine dates 27.05.18, so the marriage must have taken place on 28.05.18 rather
than 29.05.18 that mentions Tremine]
29.05.18 Marriage with Ellen Selma Neuhaus against the wish of the bride’s parents

01.07.18 Contract signed with Leipzig Opera valid until 30.06.23
