1938_1 12.03.1938(Trermine data)version 1

02.01.38 Beethoven : Egmont overture, Symphonies no. 8 & no. 2 Dresden, Philharmonie
13.01.38 Wagner : Lohengrin (Maria Müller (Elsa)) Vienna. NFP dated 15.01.38
24.01.38 Mozart : Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Brahms : Symphony no. 3 Staedtisches Orchester, Graz. Broadcasted by RAVAG
31.01.38 Beethoven : Egmont overture, Mozart : Symphony no. 38, R. Strauss : Don Juan, Beethoven : Symphony no.7 Athens
07.02.38 Wagner : Meistersinger prelude, Schumann : Piano concerto (Spyros Farandatos), Wagner : Tristan und Isolde prelude and Liebestod, Beethoven : Symphony no. 3 Athens
13.02.38 Brahms : Symphony no. 2, Wagner : Parsifal prelude and Siegfried’s Rhine Journey . Florence, Teatro Comunale
16.02.38 Mozart : Symphony no. 38, Respighi : Ancient arias and dances for lute, Tchaikovsky : Symphony no. 5. Florence, Teatro Comunale
End February 1938 : Operas in Basel and Zuerich [Tremine adds question marks, so he obviously found no info on these]03.03.38 Wagner : Lohengrin Vienna. NFP dated 05.03.38 page 11
05& 06.03.38 Respighi : Ancient dances and arias Suite no. 2, Mozart : Symphony no. 29, Beethoven : Leonore I [kna-wiki mentions no. III], Symphony no. 2. Vienna, VPO, MVS. Wiener Zeitung dated 08.03.38 page 8, NFP dated 08.03.38 page 10.
Important note : The VPO concerts were always taking place on Saturday at 15:00 (Oeffentliche Generalprobe (open dress rehearsal)) and on Sunday at 11:00
06.03.38 Wagner : Die Walküre . Vienna NFP dated 08.03.38 page 10
12.03.38 Wagner : Tristan und Isolde Vienna. Strasser mentions in his recollections that Kna was having in that day (his 50th birthday) a rehearsal with the VPO
